


  Bidding Change Announcement of B737-800 Aircraft Purchase Project of the Postal Airlines Company of the Postal Delivery Division in 2023【Re bidding】


  The Tenderee: China Post Group Corporation


  Tendering agent: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.


  Bidding number: 0747-2260SCCZAA82


  The following changes are made to the bidding announcement of B737-800 Aircraft Purchase Project of the Postal Airlines Company of the Postal Delivery Division in 2023【Re bidding】

  一、关于投标文件的递交Submission of bid documents:

  (1)原递交平台、递交时间、签到。投标文件递交的截止时间为2023年1月11日09:00(北京时间), 投标人应在截止时间前通过“中国邮政电子采购与供应平台”(网址: https://cg.11185.cn)递交加密的电子版投标文件, 并在2023年1月11日08:30-09:00线上完成投标文件“签到”流程。

  Original submission platform, submission time and sign in.: The deadline for submission of bid documents is 09:00 on January 11th, 2023 (Beijing Time). The bidder shall submit encrypted electronic bid documents through the "China Post E-Purchase and Supply Platform" (website: https://cg.11185.cn) before the deadline. The "sign-in" process of bid documents shall be completed online from 08:30 to 09:00 on January 11th, 2023.

  (2)变更后递交平台、递交时间、签到。投标文件递交的截止时间为2023年1月16日09:00(北京时间), 投标人应在截止时间前通过“中国邮政电子采购与供应平台”(网址: https://cg.11185.cn)递交加密的电子版投标文件, 并在2023年1月16日08:30-09:00线上完成投标文件“签到”流程。

  Delivery platform, delivery time and sign in after change:The deadline for submission of bid documents is 09:00 on January 16th, 2023 (Beijing Time). The bidder shall submit encrypted electronic bid documents through the "China Post E-Purchase and Supply Platform" (website: https://cg.11185.cn) before the deadline. The "sign-in" process of bid documents shall be completed online from 08:30 to 09:00 on January 16th, 2023.

  二、关于开标时间Time of bid opening:


  Original Time of bid opening:09:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on January 11th, 2023.


  Time of bid opening after change: 09:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on January 16th, 2023.


  Other contents of the original bidding announcement remain unchanged.

  招标代理机构: 中化商务有限公司

  Tendering agent: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.

  地址: 北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号西城金茂中心20层

  Address: 20F, Xicheng Jinmao Center, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing

  联系人: 刘东阳、付泽淞、王宏伟、巩俊萍、黄凡

  Contact person: Liu Dongyang,Fu Zesong, Wang Hongwei , Gong Junping,Huang Fan

  电话: +86 010-5936 9621/9527

  Tel: +86 010-5936 9621/9527

  邮箱: liudongyang3@sinochem.com/wanghongwei02@sinochem.com

  Email: liudongyang3@sinochem.com/wanghongwei02@sinochem.com